This is the best of the best in video games Final Fantasy VII:Crisis Core, without a doubt the biggest bone of contention for a lot of people is the brand new combat system. In a lot of ways Crisis Core does not feel like a traditional Final Fantasy game; the actions aren't turn based, you never control more than one person and it happens so fast that it might as well be in real time.

I can play this game hours and hours and I never got bored ^^!!
The game begins with a young Zack pining to become a SOLDIER 1st Class, an elite group of fighters that appear to be genetically enhanced. Along the way he'll meet up with a number of famous characters from Final Fantasy VII (Cloud, Tifa, etc.), become one of the greatest soldiers in Midgar and, most importantly, uncover the truth about a secret project that was trying to genetically engineer the perfect warrior.
The game begins with a young Zack pining to become a SOLDIER 1st Class, an elite group of fighters that appear to be genetically enhanced. Along the way he'll meet up with a number of famous characters from Final Fantasy VII (Cloud, Tifa, etc.), become one of the greatest soldiers in Midgar and, most importantly, uncover the truth about a secret project that was trying to genetically engineer the perfect warrior.

I also love how quick and easy it is to do everything, from customizing your character to buying brand new items. In this game you don't have to worry about finding a town with an item shop, you can just buy your potions and magic spells from just about anywhere in the world. This, like the lack of backtracking and availability of option missions, makes Crisis Core feel like the perfect portable adventure game. The game is always accessible and always fun, even if you're stuck on a tough boss.

As far as the soundtrack goes, a lot of it consists of remixed FFVII tunes, and that's a huge plus. The battle theme is very Devil May Cry-ish, with chunky guitar riffs and heavy drumming, but I didn't hate it. I actually quite like the various battle themes in Crisis Core. Much of the soundtrack is really great, but a very few select new tracks I didn't really care much for. Some tracks just don't sound like they fit the game well, sounding out of place. Could be just me, who knows. Still, there isn't much to complain to about.

In the end, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII lives up to my personal expectations. It is precisely what I had imagined it to be, an addictive Action-RPG that ties up loose ends from the Final Fantasy VII past. It plays like a dream, blurring the lines between both genres that it covers much more than any other game. And it looks the part too, as it is easily the best looking handheld game you'll see to date, along with God of War. What's even better is that the adventure doesn't last just a few hours; you'll experience 15 hours of the story itself, and about another 12 hours doing the missions and side-quests. There's a lot of fun to be had here, so make sure you don't miss it. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is the PSP game you cannot live without.
The trailer of the best psp game here: